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Soy sauce is Japan’s national seasoning
The "shoyu," otherwise known as "soy sauce" known all over the world. Did you know even French three-star Mic… -
Origami is a Japanese folkcraft requiring great dexterity
The origami can produce various animals and toys from just one piece of paper. It is the culture only by the … -
Snow monkeys! Monkeys that bathe in the hot spring !?
"Jigokudani-yaen-koen" in Yamanouchi-machi, Nagano. It is the famous spot where a wild Japanese monkey enters… -
Ryokucha (Green tea) | The unsweetened tea
Green tea is the tea that Japanese drink most. You can buy it everywhere - in the convenience store or the ve… -
Plastic food samples | So amazing and lifelike!
You may have seen the lifelike food displays in glass showcases in front of Japanese restaurants. Doesn't it … -
Japanese toilets are number one in the world !!
Visitors to Japan are usually impressed by the restroom. Many Hollywood celebrities such as Madonna, Leonard … -
FUNDOSHI is the underwear of the Japanese style
"A Fundoshi" is Japanese traditional underwear. The fundoshi was used as underwear for the man mainly. Ori… -
WANKO-SOBA is delicious entertainment
The Wanko-soba is a famous aspect of food culture in Japan. "wanko"="wooden bowl" It means "the soba which e… -
Bonsai tree | A little piece of nature in your home
The bonsai is a tradition that has continued for the past several hundred years in Japan. In recent years the… -
Katana and Nihonto | The Japanese sword
It is called NIHONTO in Japanese. Japanese sword is very popular among young people, especially among so-call…