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The Customer Service Practices that Astonished the World
The high level of Japanese customer service is famous across the world. For anyone who has visited Japan at le… -
Manga & Anime World Rankings
Japanese comics (manga) and cartoons (anime) are loved all over the world. There are many people who became in… -
Japanese Names That Could Be Offensive Overseas! Is Your Name OK?
What is your name? There are various names in the world. There are many trends and culture-specific names in… -
A Gaijin’s Perspective: 5 Great Things about Living in Japan
It's hard to notice good things about a country while you're living there. But these traits can be observed ri… -
Gaijin Perspective: 5 Odd Customs in Japan!
It is interesting to find "odd" customs when traveling away from your home country! For people coming to Japa… -
Survey: What shocked you the most when you visited Japan?
When you travel to the other countries, it's easy to be surprised by the difference with your home country. H… -
Head off the beaten track! Unique experiences for the Japan conoisseur
Tired of all the standard tours offered in Japan? Seen all the popular tourist attractions and want to have a … -
Explore Nagano! Here are some great places to start.
Nagano is full of nature, and is visited by a large number of tourists throughout the year. It's easily acces… -
Introducing Osaka: Popular Attractions in the Bustling City!
Osaka is a very popular sightseeing spot. Various tourist attractions and delicious food... There are so many… -
Japanese Souvenirs | Shopping for trendy AND wallet friendly souvenirs
Finding souvenirs can be a point of stress while traveling. What should I buy? How many should I buy? Should …